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The junction board is on the dash, behind the carpet. It carries the fuse in clips. Spare wire is wound on the fuse holder and it is most important not to use any other kind of wire

The cut-out is contained in a sealed box, which can be removed bodily from the junction board. If supposed to be faulty, it should be re turned to the Rotax Works, Willesden Junction, London, NW., without breaking the seal. Before suspecting the cut-out, inspect the fuse, tighten all terminals and make sure that the dynamo is charging properly.



The dynamo can be rotated to expose the third brush.


The dynamo should begin to charge at about 8 m.p.h. and should reach about 10 amps. at 25 m.p.h. With battery ignition in action the maximum charging will be about 9 amps, and with all lamps on in addition to ignition about 2 amps. If the dynamo does not charge properly and the fuse is intact, make sure the brushes are properly on the commutator and if necessary clean the commutator with a clean rag moistened with petrol. It is not necessary for the commutator to be bright. Never use emery cloth on the commutator. Carbon dust should be blown out with the aid of a bellows. Oscillation of the ammeter needle may be due to worn brushes. Replace worn brushes by new ones immediately, otherwise damage to the commutator may result. Never run the dynamo with the charging switch on when the batteries are disconnected.