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With the engine and the ignition on, the ammeter will remain at zero if the contact breaker is open and should not read more than 4 amps discharge if the contacts are closed. A reading much in excess of 4 amps discharge through the ignition circuit indicates a fault in the coil. With the engine running, the ammeter should read not more than 1½ amps discharge.


The starter motor circuit is entirely independent of the switchboard, the positive terminal of the battery being directly connected to one of the terminals of the starter switch, the other terminal of which is directly connected to the positive terminal of the starter motor.

The starter motor is series wound. The extension of its armature spindle carries a pinion mounted on a screw thread. The inertia of the pinion causes it to be drawn into engagement with the teeth on the flywheel when the starter motor begins to turn. When the engine starts, the pinion is automatically thrown out of engagement by the flywheel over-running it.

The starter-switch should always be decisively operated, the plunger being quickly pressed right down and released smartly immediately the engine starts. Careless operation of the starter switch will result in burning of the contacts which may make the switch itself jam. If this happens the switch contacts must be filed clean and smooth. Be sure to disconnect the cables from the battery before doing this.